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Future Tense

Future tense menunjukkan kejadian pada masa datang. Tenses Kalimat Verbal Kalimat Nominal Future Simple Future Tense S  + will/shall + V 1 S + will/shall + be + C My friend will come tonight She will be happy if she meet you Future Continuous Tense S + will/shall + be + Ving S + will/shall + be + being + C I will be having dinner at this time tomorrow Dina will be being a on the plane at this time tomorrow. Future Perfect Tense S  + will/shall  + have + V 3 S  + will/shall + have + been  + C My sister will have finished her study by next year. She will have been a good singer by next five years. Future Perfect Continuous Tense S  + will/shall + have + been  + Ving S  + will/shall + have + been...

Past Future

Past Future  atau “future in the past” adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk membicarakan masa depan dari perspektif masa lalu. Tenses Kalimat Verbal Kalimat Nominal Past Future Simple Past Future Tense S  + would/should + V 1 S + would/should + be + C I would go if I could. I would be happy if I were you. Past Future Continuous Tense S + would/should + be + Ving S + would/should + be + being + C I would be working in his company at the time the following day. I would be being in the same situation next at the time the following day. Past Future Perfect Tense S  + would/should + have + V 3 S  + would/should + have + been  + C I would have lived there if she asked me She would have been his wife if he proposed her. Past Future Perfe...

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense  suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi (dengan durasi waktu tertentu) telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Past Perfect Continuous Tense S  + had + been  + Ving S  + had + been  + being + C We had been waiting for the bus for hours before finally it came. Contoh kalimat verbal The bride and the groom had been being in the cruch for an hour when we came. Contoh kalimat nominal

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense  adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di  masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjad i. Past Perfect Tense S  + had  + V 3 S  + had + been  + C Panji had visited me before he went to Jakarta Contoh kalimat verbal They had been in love far before they were in relationship Contoh kalimat nominal

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu  aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Aksi tersebut telah dimulai tapi belum selesai pada saat itu. Past Continuous Tense S + tobe (was,were) + Ving S + tobe (was,were) + being + C Elang was driving a car when you called him Contoh kalimat verbal They were being angry to each other at the time Contoh kalimat nominal

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense  adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja sederhana untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi di masa lampau. Simple Past Tense S  + V 2 S + tobe (was,were) + C I woke up at 7 o’clock Contoh kalimat verbal I was thin when I was a child Contoh kalimat nominal

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense  adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang telah selesai pada  suatu titik di masa lalu atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang. Present Perfect Continuous Tense S  + have/has + been  + Ving S  + have/has + been  + being + C I have been looking for my cat all around the neighbourhood Contoh kalimat verbal I have been being in front of my computer all the day Contoh kalimat nominal

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense   suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu namun efeknya  masih berlanjut. Present Perfect Tense S  + have/has + been  + V 3 S  + have/has + been  + C I have washed my hair Contoh verbal I have been a student in this school Contoh nominal

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense  bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang (present) atau rencana di masa depan  (future). Karena dapat digunakan pada  present  atau  future ,  tense  ini sering diiringi  adverb of time  untuk memperjelasnya. Present Continuous Tense S + tobe (is, am,are) + Ving S + tobe (is, am,are) + being + C I am waiting for my lunch Contoh Verbal Nora is being on the train Contoh nominal

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present adalah tenses (pola kalimat) yang digunakan untuk menceritakan waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana. Nama lain daripada Present adalah BENTUK 1. Kalimat Verbal Kalimat Nominal S  + V 1    + V s/es S + tobe (is, am,are) + C My boyfriend comes on Fridays Chocolate is really delicious